iPhone camera shaking forever
Below is an excerpt from Twitterやっぱり動画やと静かになるなぁ😂
そしてバイクの振動でカメラの手ぶれ補正がぶっ壊れてるからユラユラしとるwww pic.twitter.com/IbgiQhyLFK— nes モタードいいぞ!!おじさん(( ˘ω ˘ *)) (@jah____rasta) March 14, 2019
↑XS max
これはバイクの振動でピントが合わなくなってしまったiPhone内蔵カメラの悲しみを表現するために動画で撮った赤城高原のトマトラーメン pic.twitter.com/7M67ccV1AU
— rainforce (@circle_myria) August 17, 2019
これで2回目、、バイクの振動でiPhoneXRのカメラ壊れるってマジだったんや、、 pic.twitter.com/MFYwOfwi1J
— ぶろりー (@bro_no_diary) March 24, 2019
まぁ気を取り直して神戸楽しむマン💪 pic.twitter.com/ozmZMGPoTQ— K4 (@hobbyist__) October 13, 2019
SRの振動に耐えきれなかったのかな…😭磐梯吾妻レークラインの中津川渓谷🍁 pic.twitter.com/jHtOgjvVFU
— パンライダーしぃちゃん@SR400 (@panyashichan) October 21, 2019
バイクのスマホホルダー が悪いん?
なにこれ、ダル同じ修理二回もせなあかんの?#iPhoneX#修理#カメラ pic.twitter.com/8SalGl90pe
— ゆッケ@LiSAッ子CBR650R (@yukk_thankxyou) November 30, 2018
Σ(゚Д゚ υ) アリャ
バイクのハンドルに携帯をマウントしてナビ見たりしてるんだけど、ハンドルからくる振動がずっとあるから携帯に悪影響したのかカメラ起動するとレンズがブルブルしてカタカタカタカタって音がするんだけど大丈夫かな😰 pic.twitter.com/ubzSIwrM4V
— MIYA-enjoyトレーニー (@x_serow225we_x) October 6, 2019
4気筒でも同じか。 pic.twitter.com/6zTgipKSXn— jk (@1zzfe_180108) October 5, 2019
カメラ泣 pic.twitter.com/NgRzHQIHlI
— よくもの田中 (@roughtanak) April 8, 2019
The models are different, but all are iPhone users.(Determined from tweet client)
Why the image stabilizer was broken?
It is vibration from the engine. Vibration from the motorcycle breaks optical image stabilizer and always shakes. Bicycles with large vibrations, such as a single engine, have a significantly higher incidence than multiple engines.add, there are reports that optical image stabilization has been broken by strong shocks such as dropping as well as continuous motorcycle vibration.
Not the rolling shutter.(Wikipedia)
☑Don’t mount.
if you do not want to break it is sure.☑Change mounter.
Examining the case, the handle mount seems to be the most fragile. So why not change to anti-vibration mount or move from handle to Petrol tank?☑Anti-vibration handle
Suppressing the vibration of the steering wheel not only protects iPhone, but also reduces the burden on the body.インナーウエイト(バーエンドウエイト)
☑Switch to Android.
This is a phenomenon that can occur on Android because it is not unique to the iPhone, but has not been reported yet.☑Buy used smartphone.
If you don’t want to switch to android, why not buy a used smartphone by dividing it for navigation(for motorcycles).A little help
This is a forced measure that fixes the lens by applying a magnet from behind. Secondary failure due to magnetic force is possible, so please take responsibility at your own risk.謎な壊れ方して一生手ブレしてるiPhone、磁石くっつけると直るのほんま笑う pic.twitter.com/dv8b3VJQSe
— はつゆき (@H_2yUKi) December 7, 2018